Bar Refaeli, model and Leonardo DiCaprio's on-&-off-again girlfriend, tweeted yesterday:
'I get so sad when I see 15-year-old pale extremely skinny models at the agency looking all shaky and hungry… when will it end!?!?'
Looks like this Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model can add 'Role Model' to her resume..
Now, if only more models would keep feeding the public these HealthyButJuicy perspectives, maybe girls [& women.. & men!] will actually swallow these Bar-licious bites.
Happy Healthy Juicy Take the Skinny Out of Models! ..& others in the public eye who possess the power to influence! Rarr.
Breaking news! Elizabeth Hurley tweets blasphemy, swearing against the most important meal of the day! Gasp! Shocker! OMG it's the end of the world! What controversy! I can't believe she... Wait, Elizabeth who? Exactly.
Elizabeth Hurley. Austin Powers is the only thing that comes to mind and that came out in the '90s. Yeah, so last century.
According to Wikipedia, 'Hurley started working as an actress in the late 1980s and became a model in 1995. During the 2000s, she worked unsuccessfully as a reality television presenter in Britain.'
Today, according to her website, it looks like she still dons the covers of magazines and now sells beachwear and 'guilt-free snacks', including oat bars, fruit bars, and.. beef jerky! Who knew? Beef jerky, good and good for you?.. Also, according to IMDB, it looks like she may have a couple of movies on the way too, her first since '04.
So what's all the hubbub? Well, yesterday Hurley tweeted:
'Btw my diet survived the onslaught of phenomenal vacation food-doctors disagree, but I swear by almost nothing for breakfast for adults.' August 24, 2010 1:31:08 PM EDT
'For adults.' Way to be a role model for your kid, Mum.
Seconds later, that was followed by instructions.
'Mugs of hot water first thing, maybe an espresso and a few oat cakes mid morning.' August 24, 2010 1:32:42 PM EDT
It has been reported that Hurley 'has a long history of bizarre diets', being a notorious crusader for watercress soup.
Truth is, we live in a diet-obsessed society. Likewise, along with, it's riddled with disordered eating and eating disorders.
Not meant to judge whether Hurley falls under either category, but her use of Twitter isn't helping her image, if that's what she's after..
Select tweets [with accompanying commentary] from this past month alone..
'After weeks of greedy Mediteranean guzzling, tomorrow I start a new health regime. Just raided Holland & Barrett for diet supplies....' 1:58 AM Aug 10th
What's there to raid when you're going on a diet?..
O, right. The misnomer that is the 'health food store'..
'I felt lonely this morning so I cuddled and kissed my black spaniel til he begged for mercy' August 13, 2010 4:10:09 AM EDT
Lonely or hungry?..
'About to make my health shake-Day 3. The key to initial days on diet is never to eat any of your favourite foods. Fish for lunch. sob' August 13, 2010 6:08:39 AM EDT
After all, deprivation is known to be highly effective..
'The best inspiration for eating less is to go to the ballet-I saw the Mikhailovsky's Swan Lake recently & the girls were enchanting.' 6:21 AM Aug 13th
[hurl. oops.] ..Yes, because ballerinas are known for their quality eating habits..
'I haven't had tinned spaghetti since the 70's but it's mighty tempting. Along with Angel Delight and tinned Corned Beef.' 1:58 PM Aug 18th
Well, Chef Boyardee and Hormel are known to induce salivation.. And Angel Delight? It's a powdered product, designed to whip up into a mousse-like dessert. You can find a description of it on a website called 'Practically Edible'. Practically.
It's obvious Hurley isn't exactly role-model material when it comes to her relationship with food and body but at least she's probably being honest about it. Typically, all you hear celebrities say they have for breakfast is oatmeal and blueberries, as if read straight out of a dietician's handbook [as if that even existed]. In which case, which is worse? Speaking foolishly or like a fabricated saint?
As for what diet regimen is right for you, don't consume blindly— food, fad, or hype— ask questions, do research, and find out why! In the case of Hurley's prescription, for example..
Consider the source: How trustworthy is Elizabeth Hurley for telling you what and how to eat?
Find the logic: What's the purpose, rationale, and evidence to support skipping breakfast?
Consider the pros & cons: What are the consequences of skipping breakfast?
Be mindful: As a parent, is this a healthy way or 'model behavior' to raise a child?
And note, these questions and considerations are not specific to Hurley's comments but to all advice, claims, and anything else you encounter from media, books, family and friends.
Also, for an interesting read, though typical in editorial approach [think antithesis of Supersize Me], check out: 'My size zero diet nightmare'.
Happy Healthy Juicy Power to the Educated Consumer!
Jennifer Aniston's new movie turned out to be nothing new. Well, we knew that already— older, single woman, no man, baby issues... But despite her requests for privacy, the movies she chooses continue to parallel her so-called real life. In title anyway: 'Rumor Has It', 'The Break-Up', 'He's Just Not That Into You', 'Friends with Money'.. But seriously, after this weekend, it's official. The Switch wasn't able to change Aniston's infamy for box office flops. The movie opened this weekend to a dim $8.4 million, not to say the media isn't ablaze about it. She still holds the limelight. defeatist..
'Jennifer Aniston: Where should she go from here?' - Entertainment Weekly hopeful..
Jennifer Aniston To Prowl Into Courteney Cox's 'Cougar Town' - MTV sensational..
'Jennifer Aniston's Publicity Tour Spurs Controversy' - The Celebrity Cafe who cares about the movie? what about her love life [or lack thereof]??..
'Jennifer Aniston & John Mayer: Back On or Just Friends?!' - E! Online
And that's the thing. While critics are quick to predict the demise of America's [most talked about] Girl-Next-Door as a shoddy movie star, are they perhaps forgetting she...
still ranks high on Forbes' Celebrity 100 —'a measure of power based on money and fame'— her current ranking as of this summer at #26?
still has a handful [make that handfulS] of films in production, in development, and probably continuing to be offered?
And even if she isn't acting on the big screen, she still has her production company; advertising campaigns, notably with SmartWater; friends on the little screen offering her parts; now, a new fragrance; covers, interviews, and appearances [because people will pay to see her, even if not at the theater]? By goodness, if Lindsay Lohan can make money, so can Jen!
And even if she didn't have all that going for her, she could still do nothing and still make a higher annual salary than most of us via syndication of Friends. Heck, with her asset$, she doesn't even need income at all.
So, should the woman who once donned the most sought-after 'do be worried? Plain and simply, no. Money aside, she still serves a purpose, for men and women alike, as someone to..
Idolize and fantasize about: once her hair, now her svelte 40+yo body.
Live vicariously through: as a princess when she married the sexiest man alive.
Sympathize for: when that fairytale tragically ended.
Pity: when [and continuously still, since] she lost her man to the woman with even more exalted assets than hair—a juicy pucker— and enthusiasm to rear a sizeable brood.
Empathize with: as she has yet to find another prince charming, is still single and babyless, yet independent and successful.
Let's face it. America still loves her. As this headline tries to proclaim: 'Most American Women Agree with Jennifer Aniston: 83% Surveyed Support a Single Woman Using IVF to Conceive a Child'.
It's the job of sensational media to stir things up and what better way than to beat down others? They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but perhaps criticism is too.
And until she picks a decent non-rom-com to do, we'll just have to be sufficiently sated with her Picture Perfect, offscreen character.
Happy Healthy Juicy Jen Aniston, despite her Derailed love life, is still a Good Girl, Friend, and tied-up Rock Star!
There are a lot of little things that are turning our home into a sty. Likewise, there are a lot of little things we can do that'll help revamp our home into a bitchin' crib [like MTV's.. only not filthy but eco-fresh., hey hey heeyy!].
Corporate and personal responsibility are at the epicenter of making potential considerable change.
Shout out to..
Java [&tea] Sippers, Bring Your Own Cup! - The whole 'Bring your own [grocery] bag' is heavily marketed already. And yes, you should do it. But what about coffee cups? With the explosion of the coffee industry, Star$$[your$alary]$$ and all, did you ever think about how much waste is produced by the trendy, caffeine industry?
The amount of solid waste created and valuable resources consumed throughout the process of manufacturing and drinking coffee is an escalating problem:
58 billion paper cups are thrown away (not recycled) every year. 20 million trees are cut down in the process of manufacturing paper cups. 12 billion gallons of water is approximately how much is used in the process. 53,000 homes could be powered with the energy we consume through our paper cup consumption, according to the Environmental Defense Organization.
To the industry's credit, some are rewarding customers for bringing their own cup— so take advantage! And though bringing your own cup isn't always feasible, those who should be particularly mindful [because it is (feasible)] are 'regulars', office workers, and others who go out specifically for a cup— like diet, it's not what we do once-in-while but what we do on a repeated basis that has more significant consequences.
Corporate (Tech), Stop Printing Receipts <$5! - Nobody wants them anyway. And for those that do, make them available upon request. Ok, maybe it'll cost a little extra to make some coding changes to the registers, but think about the $$$ you'll save on paper&ink.
Snacker/Nosher/Eater, Skip the Bag, Go Straight for the Grub! - Have you ever see someone buy something to eat, have it put in a small paper/plastic bag to go, only for them to walk out of the store to immediately throw the bag out and bite away? It's unnerving.
Hand donuts to cops like ice cream cones, with the paper used to grab them; hand bagel sandwiches to breakfast-goers in just the paper they're already wrapped in; heck, get real plateware if customers are eating on the premises.
As for consumers, make saying, 'I don't need a bag, thank you', second nature, which should be easy because half of the phrase, 'thank you', should already be. Idontneedabagidontneedabagidontneedabag.. Thank you.
School Food Students, Bring Your Own Utensils! That is, Parents/Teachers, Teach&Enable Them To Do So! - Did you know individually-wrapped sporks are used every day at lunch during the school year? What if.. students brought their own utensils to the cafeteria, just like they bring their own pencils to the classroom? Imagine the amount of plastic [waste] our schools, government, and Earth could save from doing so.
These are but a few small ideas that could lead to big impacts. Share them. Do them. And..
If you are interested in campaigning any of them, email HealthyButJuicy [at] gmail [dot] com!
If you have more ideas, share them with HealthyButJuicy and its readers in the comments section below!
Happy Healthy Juicy Kermit Lied, It IS Easy Being Green!
Just because bikini season is almost over, doesn't mean you should let your body and health fall with the mercury.
Why wait until New Years to make a resolution? Any reason to get healthy is a good one and this changing of seasons is as good as any and couldn't have come at a better time— that is, now!
Some tips & ideas to help you plan for the upcoming months..
Eat your veggies: Fall harvest reaps some of the best & heartiest vegetables that are packed with flavor & nutrients like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and winter squash [which is actually harvested in the fall but called such because it lasts throughout the winter].
Be picky: In the orchards, that is. Apple-, pear-, and pumpkin-picking is a great way to spend time outdoors with the family, friends, and even lovers. For the latter, instead of doing the typical dinner-and-a-movie date-night thing, make it outdoorsy-with-dessert [dessert optional, if it's going well, wink]— apple pie, pear crisp, pumpkin parfait.. the warmth of the oven and aroma of cinnamon will surely make it a cozy night to remember..
Watch the pigments change: As the ones in your skin begin to pale, at least enjoy the green ones in leaves doing the same, which reveal the bold reds, yellows, and oranges. Pick up a camera, go for a walk, shoot, and share. Nature makes it easy in helping you find a non-food-related, active hobby that'll transform you into a fit artist without much effort.
Discover a new activity: Bored of the same workout routine? The new season brings with it new active opportunities, like hiking, tennis, soccer, and football. Find a partner or form a group— it'll help you build strong bonds with others and muscles while you're at it.
Look on the bright side [even though it is going to be darker]: Daylight has already begun shortening, but perhaps this'll help you get to bed earlier for a more and much needed shut-eye. Many people don't get enough sleep at night, which leads to crankiness, less productivity, and dark circles under the eyes. Ditch the concealer and hit the sack— like milk, as they say, it does a body good.
Get together with friends: You probably haven't seen some friends in a while as summer is when most go away on vacation. Make time to gather with friends you haven't seen in a while. You'll probably have things to catch up on and you can easily laugh your way to good health.
Happy Healthy Juicy Rise to Juicy Healthy, Fall of the Un-!
In the late 60s, The Beatles sang the universally-relatable song, All You Need Is Love. Today, researchers are now suggesting the importance of mothers [or primary caretakers] showing it too. They found children who received more warmth and affection in infancy, grow up to have less emotional distress and anxiety in adulthood.
In a recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, data was collected from 482 participants born in Providence, RI, tracking them over time from the age of 8 months to an average of 34 years old.
Mothers' interaction and affection toward participating infants were assessed at the start of the study; and then the emotional health, including feelings of anxiety, hostility and general distress levels, of the children as adults were assessed decades later.
In accordance with what has long been popular belief of the positive effects of raising children in a nurturing environment but has limited/lacks sufficient evidence, researchers found that infants who received the highest amount of affection grew up to have the least emotional distress, particularly in terms of anxiety.
Vice versa was also true: those who received the least amount of affection in infancy had greater levels of emotional instability later in life.
Researchers attributed affection toward the development of social skills for healthy relationships and coping mechanisms to deal with stress and anxiety. They concluded, "These findings suggest that early nurturing and warmth have long-lasting positive effects on mental health well into adulthood."
Some strengths of the study were the size of the study's participating population and that it was longitudinal— that is, the same individuals were studied over a long period of time.
Some limitations were the questionable generalizability of the group— are those born in Providence representative of the general population?— and the skewed proportion of affectionate mothers— that is, 85% showed a 'normal' degree of affection, whereas only 6% and 10% showed a very high levels and low levels, respectively.
Nevertheless, one can never argue enough for more love & affection.
Happy Healthy Juicy Show Your Baby A Whole Lotta Love!
What does Proposition 8 and Jen Aniston's new flick have in common [other than the fact that the former will be ineffective and the latter will be released both by the end of this week]?
It used to be that assisted reproductive technology [ART], as it is so fancily called, was used by 'traditional', married [opposite-sex] couples experiencing problems with conceiving, including fertility medication and in vitro fertilization. Today, well, we no longer live in a traditional world. As romantic relationships change in our society, so does the meaning of family.
A notorious example is divorce.
Remember when divorce was uncommon? It actually wasn't so long, ago. Rates soared in the early 60s, turning what was [and still is] believed by some to be the most 'ideal' parenting situation— one with a mom & dad — into single-parent, missing-parent and step-parent households. Today, it is estimated that about 50% of marriages end in divorce.
Legalization of same-sex marriage and partial effects of women’s lib are two additional, emerging examples that are changing relationships in our society today.
As same-sex marriages begin to integrate into our society as a norm, it’s likely more families are going to arise out of them.
As for women’s lib, namely in the arena of career, the issue used to be figuring out how a working mom can juggle both work and family life. But now, as time progresses and women become even more focused and successful in their careers, the issue is not just how to deal with both lives but how to attain them. That is, some women may be so focused on career that they forget about or don’t invest enough of their energies into relationships, while others may put forth the effort but without any luck of finding ‘the one’. Whatever the case, these women are single, with clocks ticking, and with enough of a nest egg to support nesting an egg of their own.
In both these cases, if adoption is not the method of choice, ART is. And like divorce, these non-traditional families don’t come without complication or at least issues of their own. In divorce, issues include custody, visitation rights, and child support. In these new familial shifts, issues extend even further into legality, such as whose name goes on birth certificates [carrier, donor, partner..?], to possibly morality and ethics, such as addressing whether using anonymous sperm strips away children’s ‘inherent right’[?] of knowing where/who they [totally] come from.
For a more extensive discussion and an interesting article: Read this.
[Gamete] donation is a current hot & heated topic of the moment, as it is brought into the limelight along with Aniston's new flick, The Switch, her public comments about it, and the use of ART.
Along her press junket, Aniston has been [controversially, or juicily] quoted as saying..
'Women are realising it more and more knowing that they don't have to settle with a man just to have that child.. Times have changed and that is also what is amazing is that we do have so many options these days, as opposed to our parents' days when you can't have children because you have waited too long..
'The point of the movie is what is it that defines family? It isn't necessarily the traditional mother, father, two children and a dog named Spot. Love is love and family is what is around you and who is in your immediate sphere. That is what I love about this movie. It is saying it is not the traditional sort of stereotype of what we have been taught as a society of what family is.'
Not one to shy away from controversy, Bill O'Reilly responded:
'She's throwing a message out to 12-year-olds and 13-year-olds that hey, you don't need a guy, you don't need a dad.. That's destructive to our society.. [and] diminishing the role of the dad.. Dads bring a psychology to children that is, in this society, I believe, under-emphasized. I think men get hosed all day long in the parental arena.'
Feeding the feud, Aniston responded:
'And, of course, many women dream of finding Prince Charming (with fatherly instincts), but for those who've not yet found their Bill O'Reilly, I'm just glad science has provided a few other options.'
While it might be the end of the discussion for these two [for now], it’s just the beginning for the rest of us.
To conclude, some food for thought: Considering divorce situations aren't deemed the most ‘optimal’, is that then to say even heterosexual couples shouldn't have children because of the such high risk of potential unideal circumstances [a dissolution of the mom and dad duo]?
And for dessert, some la la’s..
Happy Healthy Juicy Families without borders but Full of Love!
Earlier this month, mother-daughter duo, Madonna & Lourdes [nickname Lola], launched their much anticipated Material Girl Collection for Macy's. Madonna credited much of the designs to 13-year-old Lola, in which case the fashion line might be described as: For tweens by a tween.. and her super-rich&famous mom.
Here's 13-year-old Lola on the left and 17-year-old Taylor Momsen, the face of the collection, on the right.
In this week's Fall Fashion issue of New York Magazine, exploring the 'world of adult-girl fashion', Alex Morris writes, 'The Material Girl line is perfect for you if you are an NYU art major with a killer body. There’s lace and leather and a lavish assortment of body-con dresses.' [The thing is is that university students aren't the only ones consuming this stuff— clothing and images alike..]
He then goes on to point out:
'Throughout history, cultures have had strict dress codes relating to age, but no longer: Our fetishization of youth not only means that older women are dressing younger, but also that young girls are dressing older, pushing themselves into sexualized terrain. For tweens at the intersection of childhood and adulthood—an age that’s a natural fashion fault line—this role reversal can present particular confusion. No one knows quite what to wear. Not even Madonna. “I always have two reactions when Lola comes into my room with an outfit on,” she says in a video discussing the line. “One is, ‘Oh my God, she looks amazing, what incredible style.’ And then my second reaction is, ‘She’s dressed completely inappropriately for school.’ ”
These are some pics from the photo shoot for the collection [and remember, think tween, these are for tweens..]..
These are some of the final pics posted for the collection's site [..tweens.. these are marketed for tweens..]..
So what do you think? Are these appropriate images for young women [or 'older girls'] to get fashion tips from?
If not, perhaps you might find some, um, less-provocative alternatives in the Olsenboye collection..
Or even more affordable, in the Cyrus-Azria collection [heels not included]..
Teri Hatcher let the critics get under her skin and took to her Facebook page [which the Desperate Housewife apparently has] to post self-shot pics of herself in nothing but a towel in an album titled, 'Oy with the Botox!!!'.
'Out of the bath getting ready for bed. Thought about all those damn critics of my face. Love it or hate it, my face that is, no surgery, no implants, no matter what "they" say. Decided I'd shoot myself in to reveal some truths about "beauty" and hope it makes you all easier on yourself.'
She attempts to inspire..
'Did I every toy with fillers or Botox over the years? yes. Tell me does this look Botoxed to you? Yes I am alone in my bathroom naked in a towel on behalf of women everywhere trying to make a point. Women YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL'
She raves about role models just like her..
'I can be mad, or confused or sad and tired. Julia Roberts had that same vein in her forehead in Eat Pray Love. Proud of Julia for being a real woman on a real journey.'
She even gives us a lesson in photography.. who knew acting wasn't her only craft?
'45 year old me. Just me wanting to teach that all those glam versus trash pictures of celebs are about LIGHTING. It's not makeup it's not suregery or botox its LIGHT. Flat front light in you face especially sun setting 4pm light blows out all wrinkles and imperfections. Over head light, sun anything casts shadows under your eye from your brow making you look tired. Shoot all family reunion photos that way over the camera man who should be holding the camera a little higher than your eye line.'
Props to Lois Lane for reporting that women don't need Botox & the artificial like to be beautiful. Now, if only she were able to recognize that Dean Cain was both Clark Kent and Superman..
But in all seriousness, take it from Bruno Mars— doling sweet candy for your ears, filling you with self-respect, and leaving you without a single cavity.
Happy Healthy Juicy Love Yourself Just the Way You Are! ..wrinkles, sags, aging and all!
Two civil class action lawsuits have been filed against, Skechers, claiming the shoe company's advertising violates California law. Skechers is calling the suits 'completely baseless' and even 'a frivolous and a thinly veiled attempt to extort money' and is ready to fight the allegations, according to a press release issued yesterday. They must've forgotten to mention protecting their profits as well..
As an FYI, according to, Skechers announced record earnings for this year's second quarter, ending June 30.
Second quarter 2010 net sales increased 68.9 percent to $504.9 million compared to $299.0 million in the second quarter of 2009. Earnings from operations for the second quarter of 2010 were $58.8 million compared to a loss from operations of $7.7 million in the second quarter of 2009. Net earnings for the second quarter of 2010 were $40.2 million versus a net loss of $5.9 million in the second quarter of 2009
So anyway, what's all the hubbub? Basically, two individuals are suing Skechers for false advertising on their Shape Ups shoeline. You know, those funny looking [oops] shoes with thick, curved soles?
Advertisements include..
As you can see, their ads claim a gamut of wonders, including..
Promotes weight loss!
Improves blood circulation!
Tightens abdominal muscles!
Improves posture!
Strengthens the back!
Firms buttocks muscles!
Reduces cellulite and tones thighs!
Firms calf muscles!
Heck, if you're the type that thinks you need to join a gym to be fit, have no fear.. with these babies, you can 'Get in shape without setting foot in a gym!'
Say wha? Gym? Did they just say gym??
O, no the di-'nt!..
In essence, that's pretty much the response of the American Council on Exercise [ACE}, who is amongst those opposed to the claims made by Skechers' Shape Ups [and other makers of the like]. ACE is a non-profit— with a '.org' website and all— that certifies fitness professionals, like trainers who work in gyms [oops], and sells fitness stuff. They recently released a study of their own [aka. self-funded], basically disproving the validity of the shoes' superpower abilities [oops] and blatantly advising consumers: 'Don’t buy these shoes because of the claims that you’re going to tone your butt more or burn more calories. That’s absolutely wrong,'
An entertaining tidbit from the report is advice given by ACE’s Chief Science Officer, Cedric Bryant Ph.D, urging 'consumers to beware of studies sponsored by manufacturers. “Depending on how they conduct the study, they can prove anything they want to prove.” ' ..People in glass houses..
So now what? Who should we believe? And, should we invest in these [pricey] shoes or not?
As an educated consumer, these are questions you have to decide for yourself.
Nonetheless, some concluding food for thought:
Read the studies: If someone is trying to convince you of something and say they have proof, then examine the proof. In this case, full reports are accessible: for and against
Note: The full, pro-Shape Up studies weren't actually posted on the site. It's retail, perhaps that would be TMI.
Note: 'Significant' in scientific research terms doesn't mean 'a lot', ie.' significant weight loss' does NOT mean 'lost a lot weight'. 'Significant' is just referring to the quality of the data, ie. 'significant weight loss' means 'yeah, we're pretty sure participants of the study lost weight' but that weight loss could be 0.1lb. for all you know.
Ask questions:
Who was studied? A particular age group? race? culture? location? Are they representative of you?
How many? The more study participants, the better.
How long?
What was measured?
Who published?
What are other possible explanations? ie. Did Shape Up wearers just exercise more? Was it the technology of the shoe or perhaps the incentive/motivation it gave to the wearer? Did you know Shape Ups weigh about 3lbs? whereas average running shoes weigh half that?
Who funded? What are the conflicts of interest? ..typically they are the same..
Testimonials: are garbage. Don't buy [into] them.
Celebrity endorsements: The rich are getting paid to get richer.. with your money. jsyk..
Resist persuasion: Sales people&sites are scary. On the Shape Ups info page there is a tab dedicated to '3 reasons why you need Shape Ups'— don't click it. You need food to sustain, air to breath, shelter for warmth, love for.. But need bouncy shoes? Need??
Remember: If it's too good to be true.. it [probably] is.
So, now it's up to you to decide. Do you want to spend about $100 or more and rock the Frankenstein look? Or, can you perhaps find another means to work your body?
There are currently 1100 and counting articles on Google's newsbot covering the story about Steven Slater. In case you haven't yet heard, the JetBlue flight attendant, after being hit with yet another passenger's rudeness, this time literally, called it quits and slid away from the drama. As a Pittsburg-to-NYC flight was taxiing at JFK, a passenger disregarded multiple requests by Slater to remain seated until they reached the gate. A heated argument ensued and, then, as the passenger proceeded to remove luggage from the overhead compartment, Slater was slugged in the head. The passenger refused to apologize, prompting Slater to take his rage out on the PA system, grab some brew, and go home via the emergency exit's inflatable slide. Aside from the luggage bump on Slater's head, no one else was hurt.
The passenger has yet to be exposed and, likely, ousted, as many are rallying for Slater, who has become the overnight poster child for folks in service.
First off, a flight attendant's job is not just to serve drinks & [if you're lucky] nosh, but to also protect those on board. And while the seat-belt sign can be seemingly unnecessary at times, it is used for a very valid purpose and not just as a means to annoy.
Second, though Slater's means of departure was probably not ideal, equally or more so, was the passenger's behavior.
Why is it that people who are being served often think and, more importantly, act like they have the right to treat others with total disregard? Being served somehow has this magical power that transforms adults into big children, possibly worse since they should know better.
Unfortunately, though, the root of the problem is probably somewhere deeply embedded and just presents itself when the person takes on customer role, in which case, children— of all ages— should be reminded of proper behavior. This story can serve as such. And if that doesn't work, sentencing obnoxious customers to serving time in, say, a restaurant or aircraft just might do the trick.