Sunday, February 10, 2013

How To Buy HealthyButJuicy Kid's Yogurt!

What is essentially bacterial fermented milk— yogurt— has come a long way within the last five decades or so, not surprisingly along with America's tech-savvy of playing with food and its expanding waistline.

Remember Colombo Yogurt? Remember its minimal Ingredients List? Supposedly, it was one of the pioneers to introducing Americans to yogurt in the late 1920s and then was later bought out by General Mills, only to be discontinued because of Yoplait.

Yoplait! You know, the brand with that commercial where the woman is telling her friend on the phone all the delicious 'food' she's been eating while losing weight, while her husband is eaves-dropping and frantically looking in the fridge for her goodies. He missed the stacks of light yogurt right in front of him with flavor names such as: Thick & Creamy Cinnamon Roll, Black Forest Cake, Apple Turnover, Red Velvet Cake, Boston Creme Pie, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Thick & Creamy Cherry Cobbler... Pretty much every decadent baked good you can think of in the form of yogurt.


According to Wikipedia:
Yogurt's popularity in the United States was enhanced in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was presented as a health food.
Sigh again. And there began the demise of yogurt. Deem anything healthy and you can count on Americans to bastardize it. (No offense, America... love you.) But now, yogurt doesn't just take a slither of an aisle but spans an entire one. So many options! Lions and tigers and flavors and sizes and prices and consistencies and packaging and nutritional profiles, o my!

But still, we'd like our kids to eat yogurt because of those originally-known benefits— live cultures, or 'good bacteria'— as well as source of calcium and protein. But how and/or which to choose??

Run down the whole yogurt aisle and watch and learn which are HealthyButJuicy's top picks and why!

Agree or disagree with what you saw? Comment below your thoughts, opinions, and tastes! We'd love to hear! :>

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trader Joe's Bacon & Spinach Salad Review!

There's a lot of food out there. With so much to choose from, it's hard to tell what's healthy and what isn't. So HealthyButJuicy is starting a new series of food/product reviews! Want something tested and reviewed? Comment below your requests and we might just try it! :>

Salad = Healthy, right? An olio of fresh produce and unsaturated fat for dressing usually is but 'salad' has come a long way in how we classify the dish. Depending on what's in it and how much you eat, salad can actually be more unhealthy than a value meal at McDonalds! Seriously.

In this episode of HealthyButJuicy Reviews, we taste and rate Trader Joe's Bacon & Spinach Salad. We love Trader Joe's but just like Whole Foods, their products aren't always necessarily good for you. By law, ingredients are listed by weight; this product's name (unfortunately) is not much different and, well, the name says it all.

We love salads and getting pre-made ones like this is a great means of 'fast food' when grabbing a quick bite for lunch. But how does this salad rate in terms of nutrition, value, and taste? Watch and find out!

What kind of salad have you eaten lately? Comment below and tell us about it, we'd love to hear! :>


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