Elizabeth Hurley. Austin Powers is the only thing that comes to mind and that came out in the '90s. Yeah, so last century.

Today, according to her website, it looks like she still dons the covers of magazines and now sells beachwear and 'guilt-free snacks', including oat bars, fruit bars, and.. beef jerky! Who knew? Beef jerky, good and good for you?.. Also, according to IMDB, it looks like she may have a couple of movies on the way too, her first since '04.
So what's all the hubbub? Well, yesterday Hurley tweeted:
'Btw my diet survived the onslaught of phenomenal vacation food-doctors disagree, but I swear by almost nothing for breakfast for adults.'
August 24, 2010 1:31:08 PM EDT
'For adults.' Way to be a role model for your kid, Mum.
Seconds later, that was followed by instructions.

'Mugs of hot water first thing, maybe an espresso and a few oat cakes mid morning.'
August 24, 2010 1:32:42 PM EDT

It has been reported that Hurley 'has a long history of bizarre diets', being a notorious crusader for watercress soup.
Truth is, we live in a diet-obsessed society. Likewise, along with, it's riddled with disordered eating and eating disorders.
Not meant to judge whether Hurley falls under either category, but her use of Twitter isn't helping her image, if that's what she's after..
Select tweets [with accompanying commentary] from this past month alone..
'After weeks of greedy Mediteranean guzzling, tomorrow I start a new health regime. Just raided Holland & Barrett for diet supplies....'
1:58 AM Aug 10th

What's there to raid when you're going on a diet?..
O, right. The misnomer that is the 'health food store'..
'I felt lonely this morning so I cuddled and kissed my black spaniel til he begged for mercy'
August 13, 2010 4:10:09 AM EDT
Lonely or hungry?..
'About to make my health shake-Day 3. The key to initial days on diet is never to eat any of your favourite foods. Fish for lunch. sob'
August 13, 2010 6:08:39 AM EDT
After all, deprivation is known to be highly effective..

6:21 AM Aug 13th
[hurl. oops.] ..Yes, because ballerinas are known for their quality eating habits..
1:58 PM Aug 18th
Well, Chef Boyardee and Hormel are known to induce salivation.. And Angel Delight? It's a powdered product, designed to whip up into a mousse-like dessert. You can find a description of it on a website called 'Practically Edible'. Practically.
It's obvious Hurley isn't exactly role-model material when it comes to her relationship with food and body but at least she's probably being honest about it. Typically, all you hear celebrities say they have for breakfast is oatmeal and blueberries, as if read straight out of a dietician's handbook [as if that even existed]. In which case, which is worse? Speaking foolishly or like a fabricated saint?
As for what diet regimen is right for you, don't consume blindly— food, fad, or hype— ask questions, do research, and find out why! In the case of Hurley's prescription, for example..
- Consider the source: How trustworthy is Elizabeth Hurley for telling you what and how to eat?
- Find the logic: What's the purpose, rationale, and evidence to support skipping breakfast?
- Consider the pros & cons: What are the consequences of skipping breakfast?
- Be mindful: As a parent, is this a healthy way or 'model behavior' to raise a child?
And note, these questions and considerations are not specific to Hurley's comments but to all advice, claims, and anything else you encounter from media, books, family and friends.
Also, for an interesting read, though typical in editorial approach [think antithesis of Supersize Me], check out: 'My size zero diet nightmare'.
Happy Healthy Juicy Power to the Educated Consumer!
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