Thursday, April 29, 2010

On Top with a New Man in Her Life

Sandra Bullock is one of the healthiest people I ‘know’-- and I’m not talking about physical fitness, diet, disease, or the like.

The word ‘health’ (apparently) is related to the word ‘whole’, which makes sense since one’s health refers to one’s entire being—physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, spiritual, etc.

Despite the inflicted pains she has had to endure as yet another highly publicized sex scandal victim, America’s Sweetheart emerges sweeter than ever.

Bullock, who has been in hiding since shortly after her Oscar win in March, gives her first exclusive interview to People magazine (out tomorrow) since Bombshell McGee—mistress #1—came forth (for fame and fortune).

The article is not solely about the dissolution of her marriage, though, but the dawn of her new life as Mom as well.

Given her high profile status and especially at such a pivotal point in her life—career- and marital-wise-- it is amazing that Bullock managed to keep her adopted son under wraps for months. It says a lot about her character and how supportive and loyal her family and friends are.

She doesn’t even bad-mouth her soon-to-be-ex-husband, but instead praises him as a father, and even hopes Louis, her son, can one day meet/see that side of him she admired. Eh? She’s willing to let Mr. Infidelity into the life of her new little man?

Media and PR have praised Sandra for how she handled her situation.. and maintained her branding image. Which is when I remembered that, oops, that’s what it is-- an image, a story, meant to sell a magazine.

Nonetheless, I’m a sucker for good endings, cute babies, and Bullock since she was Lucy Eleanor Moderatz. And I believe there are things we can learn from Sandra’s (public/documented) actions. Celebrities are people too, after all.

So, if you ever find yourself in a situation that can seemingly destroy you (like being lied to, betrayed, humiliated, etc)..
  • Step back.
  • Surround yourself with support, positivity, and the people you trust.
  • Breathe.
  • Appreciate & focus on the good things, distance yourself from the bad.
  • Don’t wait too long to emerge, and when you do, shine your strength.

Happy Healthy Juicy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Boil Water.. & Make Eggs In The Meanwhile..

Some say eggs are the perfect source of protein-- ideal in their ratio of all essential amino acids.

'Perfect', though, should really just be reserved for things like.. gifts, to be polite, or perhaps special moments that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. With food it's slightly different. Have you ever heard of the term 'superfood'? Blueberries, almonds, avocado, salmon.. As if those foods have magical powers or something. Sure, they may have nutritional benefits but there's no such thing as 'perfect'; moreover all foods can fit in a 'healthy' diet.

In any case, perfect or not, eggs are nonetheless pretty great [in my non-vegan opinion]. So versatile. Scrambled, fried, poached, souffled, baked, steamed, and, one of my favorites, boiled. Hard or soft? Barely hard, verging on soft, thank you.

There are a zillion different methods people have come up with to make what seems very so simple. Complications, or points or variations, include:

  • Type of pot
  • Amount of water
  • Number of eggs
  • Size of eggs
  • Level of heat
  • Eggs in water then boil? or Boil water then add eggs?
  • Cover or no cover?
  • Length of cooking time

  • Preference of egg consistency is also a factor.

    In sum, there is no right, or 'perfect', recipe for boiled eggs. What it comes down to is simply trial and error to meet your expectations. Here's mine anyway..

    I fill a mini pot about 2/3 full of tepid water-- whatever comes out of the faucet the second it runs. I carefully drop in three extra large eggs, which don't end up being fully covered by the water. I turn on the heat to about 6:30-7 o'clock-- high, yet low enough that the fire won't melt the handle of my pot [remember, it's small; and yes, large flames will do that..]. No cover-- don't need another thing to wash.

    I set the timer for 14 minutes, after which I dump out the hot water, and transfer the eggs to another bowl with cold water. [Using the same pot would give me one less thing to wash but it's too hot and just wastes water..]. I change the cold water a couple of times, as the eggs heat it up quickly, but only until I can handle peeling. I hit all around the midsection of the egg against the bottom of my kitchen sink and peel around the equator; ideally, then, the top and bottom shell will come off in one piece. I rinse the peeled egg in warm water [as there's nothing worse than eating egg shells.. well there are worse things, but still..], shake it dry, and proceed with the rest. I don't add salt to many things-- eggs are an exception. I pretty much only like the Diamond Crystal brand, though, because of its fine grain. Picky.

    My perfect [oops] egg has a pretty soft, silky white...

    ...and really moist, yet intact yolk.

    [Not the prettiest pic of an egg. I ate the top before I realized I needed a snap. Oops.].
    But nonetheless...


    Wednesday, April 21, 2010

    'Naner Bread for my Fell0h Monkeys

    Pop quiz, hot shot! There are bananas in your apartment. Once the warm weather hits, the bananas ripen extra speedily. If they spot to the point of over-soft, they become unappetizing...

    What do you do? What do you do??

    No fear. Don't panic. At least they won't explode and blow up everyone on a bus. Instead, blow up everyone's taste buds with their ripened sweetness. Coming up with nothing original, I decided to make, yup you guessed it, banana muffins.

    I used to bake every day but those days are long gone. Baking can be a little tricky in that most recipes typically feed a dozen plus. It's dangerous when the aroma fills your home, makes you salivate, and induce hunger whether you are or not. Out of the oven, though piping hot, you sneak a taste-- the first step in quality assurance is all. In the cooling process you continue to nibble despite instructions to 'let cool'. Before you know it, when cooling is finally sufficient, the recipe, meant to serve 12, is three-quarters gone. Oops, not good.

    Nonetheless, I woke up early this morning with a mission to bake these rotten bananas. Happy Mama's Day! Homemade gift for me mum. Who says you have to wait for that Sunday in May?..

    I modified (greatly) a muffin recipe I found. I don't know if there was ever a recipe I followed to the letter. And contrary to popular belief, baking doesn't have to be exact, especially when the recipe involves ingredients like fruit. '3 or 4 bananas', the recipe lists. Bananas come in a range of different sizes, are these bananas itty-bitties or magnums? And yes, size does matter.. in this case.. and possibly others.. Larger bananas hold more water, for example.

    If you don't bake, you should try it. No fear. Ingredients can be cheap and there's not much to lose.

    Baking is magical. This is what I love: when the hot box makes raw batter rise..

    ..and transforms it into something edible..

    and voila!

    A muffin closeup before being devoured, in a mannerly fashion of course..

    This is what a butterflied muffin looks like, in case you were wondering..

    And finally, my recipe version (with notes below)..

    'Naner Bread/Muffins

    1 3/4 cups flour
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda

    4 med-sized bananas, plus one more (equaling 5 bananas total) for muffin tops (optional)
    4-5 tbsp canola oil
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 egg

    Preheat the oven to 350 degF. Line a 12-muffin tin with paper cups.
    Sift the dry (first four) ingredients together, mix, and make a well.
    Mix the wet (the next four) ingredients together.
    Pour the wet into the dry.
    Gently and slowly mix everything together. DO NOT OVER MIX.
    Spoon batter into muffin cups. Bake in middle of rack for 25-30 min. until tooth pick comes out clean or with but a few crumbs.

    Bread/Muffins: Same difference. For bread, pour everything into a bread pan instead and bake for longer, roughly 50 min.

    Tin: I've tried many a silicon products [implants not included]. Metal is better. Period. It just handles heat better.

    Flour: I used white (gasp!) flour because the bran in whole wheat usually makes baked goods, like these muffins, heavy, dense, and unpalatable. Adjust bran to taste.

    Sugar: I used white (gasp!). It's a baked good. It needs sugar of some form for taste and sugar helps make the muffin lighter (in texture) and hence more palatable.

    Topping: I had 5 bananas on me. Five in the batter would have been too much. Slicing the last banana for the muffin tops worked as it added extra sweetness and provided a visual cue to indicate what 'flavor' the muffins were. Alternative topping could also include walnuts/pecan or shaved chocolate.

    Egg: I used an extra large egg because that's what I had. When a baking recipe calls for eggs, they typically mean large eggs. For the egg, I actually separated the white and yolk. I beat the white til pretty frothy, or til I felt like not whisking it anymore, in efforts to maximize muffin lightless. And I used only about 3/4 of the yolk-- can't yet bring myself to use the whole thing. I used it though because I think it would help in browning. Next time I might try omitting the egg though for a vegan version.

    Mixing: I added about a 1/4 cup extra flour to the original recipe because the (wet) banana mixture looked as though it almost exceeded in volume the dry mix. As I mixed, or more properly, folded everything together it seems like it was going to be too dry. But I folded slowly, allowing the flour to do its thing and absorb the bananas' moisture at its own pace. Eventually everything came together nicely. The batter was pretty thick but had to be for a good rise. I used two spoons to distribute the batter.

    Hit me up with questions if you have them.

    Happy Healthy Juicy!

    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    Coffee Cuffs for the Fashion-Earth Police

    Coffee: there are more healthier things you can drink.. water. But, given the thousands of products that are shoved in our face to choose from, water, admittedly, can get a little boring at times.

    Coffee. It’s not the end of the world. It can stain your teeth—so don’t swish with it and brush well. It can leave your breath a little less than pleasant—not a problem if the next guy is drinking the same, else keep your personal space intact. It has caffeine—opt for decaf or just don’t abuse it.

    Coffee. It can be pretty delish. When made right, has body and tones of chocolate, without all the calories or artery clogging fat. It can be made into art—pretty. It can be made right at home, though many [or most?] purchase it ready-made and served to-go, wasting millions and millions of cups, lids, and sleeves everyday.

    Remember the three R’s? In order of preference, to rrrrefresh your memory: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

    For you café beverage drinkers out there, whether it be tea, coffee, smoothie, or whatever else suits your gulp: BRING YOUR OWN cup. This rings especially true to those daily sippers. You know you’re going to get a cup, plan ahead, there’s no excuse. Reduce and reuse, Momma Earth thanks you.

    In honor of week of Earth Week, which is really every week, right?... Here’s another way to be mindful and stylin’; allow me to introduce: The Coffee Cuff.

    'An elegant wooden bracelet that can slip off your wrist and onto your coffee cup. Fashion + function. Handmade from reclaimed architectural veneer offcuts.'

    Translation: It's made from trees and will save some trees.

    ..I wish I had invented the hot beverage sleeve because it’s used practically everywhere.. Oops. Everywhere, everyday.. accumulated waste. Nevermind. I didn’t anyway..

    Friday, April 16, 2010

    Bunless, though it won't leave you so

    There’s a lot of hub-bub going on about KFC’s new Double Down Sandwich, which features two pieces of chicken sandwiching bacon, cheese, and mystery sauce. They exclaim: ‘This product is so meaty, there’s no room for a bun!’ And that’s exactly what this is—a product. More specifically, a product marketing tool, which is obviously working, clogging, and nauseating all at once.

    Why some people are having such issues, however, is slightly puzzling. Consider...

  • The Double Down is practically equivalent (nutrition-wise) to an 'EC' (extra crispy) Chicken Breast, which has been on the menu for god knows how long.

  • CaloriesCalories
    from Fat
    Fat (g)
    Fat (g)
    Double Down540 290  32    101380
    EC Chicken Breast510 290  33     71010

  • Though the Double Down has slightly more fat, the Crispy Twister Sandwich still tops it in the calorie category—590 vs. 540.

  • CaloriesCalories
    from Fat
    Fat (g)
    Fat (g)
    Double Down540 290  32    101380
    Crispy Twister590 280  31     71220

  • The Double Down is actually and unfortunately not the worse, single item on the menu. If you haven't already, meet the Chicken Pot Pie folks, just don't get too cozy. Ugh. And this photo was taken from their site too. No amount of Photoshop could sell me this.

  • CaloriesCalories
    from Fat
    Fat (g)
    Fat (g)
    Double Down540 290  32    101380
    Chicken Pot Pie690 360  40     311760

  • As far as 'meals' go, the worst isn’t pot pie, which (on the menu) is presented as a whole meal. The worst 'Plated Meal' is the 2pc. Breast & Wing option, which includes two factory-, i mean, ‘home-style’ sides and a biscuit—soda and dessert not included—burp. Ex-squeeze me and my expanding waistline..

  • Let's face it folks. We're talking KFC here. Should we be expecting anything less?? KFC exists for fodder and nothing else.

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    Getting & Sharing the Lowdown

    In the April 2010 issue of Men’s Health Magazine (UK Edition), staff member Alex Harris *personally* goes ‘on assignment’ to do some in-depth reporting. His story feature? High-class orgies.

    He researches group sex parties, participates in one with success, then another with fail, then another without fail—‘success’ and ‘fail’ used loosely. He writes about his experience and what he gained [and lost] from it.

    I’m sort of dumbstruck by it all.

    I admit it made for an interesting read and enough so for me to write about it, so the magazine is obviously doing its job in that respect, but...

    How is a story like this assigned? Having an inexperienced protagonist tell the story is advantageous as it allows the reader to better relate, but where is the line drawn between writer and.. prostitute? The feature itself even noted that group sex is legal [in the UK] if all are consenting and unpaid but different laws apply if payment is involved. Harris wasn’t paid by other participants but, on the other hand, was for participating—how else could he have written the story? Does that count?

    Entertainment aside, what was the moral of the story, if any? Harris does write about the disconnect and slight remorse afterwards but seems to revel in his last tryst and doesn’t make clear what the charm is third time around—will [or has] he continue[d] even after the article’s been printed or will his last experience remain the last? It’s not for me to say with whom and how many at a time this guy should be having sex with but if the magazine is really that popular [google: ‘men’ or ‘men uk’] and then publishes somewhat of an endorsement of this activity, then there are words to be dropped—social responsibility are two of them.

    At the forefront of my mind on the subject matter was safety, but no where in his ventures does he mention protection or even consideration thereof. The only disease he does worry about, however, is addiction. Addiction?! Addiction. That’s what he’s worried about. ..take that as you will.

    The feature reminded me of a similar story I read just months earlier. Pamela Druckerman (a former journalist for the Wall Street Journal) published a piece in Marie Claire on what she got her husband for his 40th birthday: a threesome. She describes the process of finding someone and the actual experience but, aside from worrying about the planning, also fails to mention use or even concern of protection in the act. She does, though, conclude:

    I'm left feeling unsettled. I can't wait to shower. Sadly, I'm more conventional than I'd thought. In theory, I didn't mind sharing my husband for an afternoon. In practice, I was shaken up. I wasn't bored; I was bothered.

    What ever happened to good ole monogamy? And what’s with these adventurist types? Why can’t they seek risk elsewhere, in other things like..
       - Leaving the house without an umbrella on a very dark and cloudy day?.. or..
       - Getting in the express line with more than 10 items?.. or..
       - Eating school food for lunch? ..Just to see what it’s like..

    The cost, in comparison, for the latter at least, would be less than $2 versus perhaps a lifetime of STD(s), trauma, or worse, early death.

    I’m just sayin’..

    Friday, April 9, 2010

    Gain Weight to Happy

    A friend recently found out she was way below her ‘Happy Weight’, according Self Magazine’s Calculator, and wasn’t happy about it...

    Just days before, I published a post about the skinny mini’s in Hollywood in need of beefing up for pregnancy...

    And a few weeks earlier, my mom was telling me about a family friend who lost a significant amount of weight because of some [unknown] illness and was advised to gain some back. He ended up in the hospital because he took the advice by gorging himself with burgers and lasagna...

    ..Burgers and lasagna. Burp. Lots of lasagna, she said. Then hospital. Yikes! I’m thinking the trip to the hospital was likely to be more attributed to his underlying illness than the lasagna but still..

    Most people probably think having to gain weight would be awesome because then they could eat whatever they want. Which is.. sort of true. But that's because everyone—losing, gaining, or maintaining weight— already can eat whatever they want. Whether that’s healthy or not is a different story.

    How to lose weight—tips, tricks, advice, etc—is ubiquitous, no doubt.
    But if you’re trying to gain weight, is it then just a free-for-all?
    Plain and simply: no.

    Just like losing weight, there are many ways to gain weight, but not all are necessarily healthy or to your advantage. If you’re in the minority and need to gain a few extra pounds, here’s some things to chew on:

    First, consider seeing a doctor because low weight could be a sign of a serious underlying issue. If that’s not the case, onto the...

    Cardinal Weight Principal-- start by really understanding this.
    [Disclaimer: this is the first time I am sharing this on this blog but certainly won’t be the last.]

      It’s all about Calories IN vs. Calories OUT .
    • If you eat more than what your body needs, then you’ll gain weight.

    • Vice versa is also true.
    • If you eat less than what your body needs, then you’ll lose weight.

    • If you eat just as much as your body needs, no more, no less, then you’ll maintain weight.

      **  Stop here if you have any questions about this principal. Drop me a comment below and I'll try to better clarify if need be. **

    So, nutritionally, gaining weight is about upping the calories.
    Note: Fat has the most calories (9) per gram; carbohydrates and protein have about half that (4) per gram. Point being, you won’t have to eat as much [volume] with higher fat foods. But remember, not all fats are equal. Skip the trans fat and minimize the saturated and animal fats.

    And finally, the juicy...

  • Add snacks or small meals, but don’t graze—you’re not a cow nor do you want to become one.

  • Choose food that are not just calorically-dense but nutrient-dense as well. Like...
    • Nuts [inc. nut butters] and seeds. Almond butter is a great alternate if you're bored of peanut butter; hummus goes great with pita or carrot sticks; ground flaxseed or wheat germ can be sprinkled over cereal or yogurt.

    • Avocado. Guaca-guaca-guaca..

    • Milk: Try the fat-free milk that's marketed as being creamy like lowfat milk-- it's just milk with less water in it but without the saturated fat.

    • Yogurt: Greek yogurt is all the rage these days, it's like regular yogurt but thicker, add fresh berries for flavor and natural sweetness.

    • Artisan bread: vs. commercial, artisan bread tends to be denser because they aren't laden with conditioners.

    • Whole wheat pasta, brown rice: These starchy carbs are packed, literally, with energy [aka. calories].

    • Bananas: The Elvis: bananas+pb = match made in heaven. Or try a banana milk shake: banana, milk, ice, brrrrrr all in a blender.

    • Potatoes: Try the sweet [orange] kind for a vitamin A punch.

    • Oats: oatmeal, granola (bars) for on the go grab 'ems.

    • Shredded wheat: If it's too rough for you, try pouring hot-warm milk over it and let it sit for a few minutes, this softens it up great.

    • Canola or olive oil: Try adding a tablespoon or two to soups, red sauce, or whatever else won't become noticeably oily.
  • What about supplements? ..real food is more ideal, but as a [short-term] temporary means, I suppose it’s not the end of the world. But remember to read labels!! Beware of unhealthy fats, excess sugar, and unpronounceable ingredients.

  • As for keeping fit..
    Don’t be a couch potato!
    • Cut down, not out, on the cardio: your heart and associated pipes still need upkeep.

    • Lift weights: Bulk up with lean muscle, not just fat. Remember, too, muscle weighs more than fat.

    Lastly, take it slow. Changing weight, whether gaining or losing, should be slow. Results will more likely be long lasting. Happy healthy gaining juicy!

    Thursday, April 8, 2010

    Sweet & Salty, Creamy n' Crunchy

    Breakfast, snack, mini-meal... call it what you like. It suffices for all..

    I'm not really a fan of these Multi-Grain Cheerios, which could also be called Multi-Colored Cheerios, because that's what GM does to it for consumer reassurance. Corn, oats, SUGAR, THEN barley, wheat, rice, etc.. I'm eating them because I got a bunch of free boxes from somewhere.

    As for the yogurt: Yes, artificial ingredients as well [gasp!], but the convenience of individual serves had me sold. There are a lot worse things... Will work on integrating my own blueberry yogurt into my diet soon, summer is acomin' our way. Until then, enjoy the nosh!

    Tuesday, April 6, 2010


        Jennifer Lopez Marketed.                             J Lo For Real?

                 Barbie.                                                 Magician: Photoshop.

    Monday, April 5, 2010

    Bodies Can Support Image, Just Not Life.

    It’s been reported (reliability of source, unknown) that Posh Spice, aka. Victoria Beckham, is trying to beef up, sans beef, but with starchy carbs because she’s trying to get preggers. They’re supposedly trying for a girl this time. Her and her soccer player husband, David, have three boys at the moment.

    This post has been looming in the back of my mind for a while and it seems like this is as appropriate a time as ever to bring up the issue, which is… housing. ..of babies-to-be.

    I started noticing a somewhat dramatic trend in Hollywood a while back— an increasing number of celebrities were giving birth to multiples. And I’m not talking about Octomom or Kate Gosselin. But consider Angelina Jolie and Marcia Cross, amongst others, both are mothers of twins.

    And then there’s Giuliana Rancic—do you know her? In case you don’t, she’s the co-host of E! News with Ryan Seacrest, ‘reporter’ for celeb events, and, as of recent, star of (yet another) reality show. Because of her latest role, she’s made it public that she’s trying to get preggers. She even went on The View to talk about it:

    "[The doctor] said [I should gain] 5-10 pounds, which I know isn't a big deal and if you want to have a baby you should do whatever it takes… I had to bite that bullet. You have to understand something. I work out everyday of my life, I love feeling good, waking up, working out. I finally did gain the 5 pounds. We're working on more."

    So how do you think she’s doing?             [comment box is below].
    (The pic on the left is from June ’09. The pic on the right is from March ’10.)

    It’s been about a year [?] since she’s been trying and still no ‘luck’ (nor excess calories, it seems). Her stint on The View apparently also didn’t turn out so well. The day after...
    Whoopie said: "It's not like she's an actress; she's on the red carpet, so she should gain the weight."
    Giuliana’s retort? "Because I'm a reporter, I'm held to a different standard than an actress? It's almost like she puts actresses on a pedestal. I thought that was the most ridiculous statement I've heard on that show in a very long time."

    In other words: 'It’s not fair! Why are they allowed to be skinny and I’m not??’

    Please, tell me now what’s really ridiculous.. the meanwhile, I’ll tell you what’s not fair:

    • 1 in 5 women struggle with an eating disorder or disordered eating.
    • Eating disorders affect up to 24 million Americans.
    • At least 50,000 individuals will die as a direct result of an eating disorder.
    • The diet and diet related industry is a 50 billion dollar a year enterprise.
    • One study found that over 1/2 the females between the ages of 18-25 would prefer to be run over by a truck than be fat, and 2/3 surveyed would rather be mean or stupid.
    • If today's mannequins were actual human women, based on theoretical body fat percentages, they would probably cease to menstruate.
    The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness, (2010 Apr 06).

    …o, and one last one:

    Everyday men, women, children, and adolescents are bombarded with images of women like Angelina, Posh, and 'G', (who may or may not be menstruating), and duped into believing that that is healthy and beautiful.


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