Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coffee Cuffs for the Fashion-Earth Police

Coffee: there are more healthier things you can drink.. water. But, given the thousands of products that are shoved in our face to choose from, water, admittedly, can get a little boring at times.

Coffee. It’s not the end of the world. It can stain your teeth—so don’t swish with it and brush well. It can leave your breath a little less than pleasant—not a problem if the next guy is drinking the same, else keep your personal space intact. It has caffeine—opt for decaf or just don’t abuse it.

Coffee. It can be pretty delish. When made right, has body and tones of chocolate, without all the calories or artery clogging fat. It can be made into art—pretty. It can be made right at home, though many [or most?] purchase it ready-made and served to-go, wasting millions and millions of cups, lids, and sleeves everyday.

Remember the three R’s? In order of preference, to rrrrefresh your memory: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

For you café beverage drinkers out there, whether it be tea, coffee, smoothie, or whatever else suits your gulp: BRING YOUR OWN cup. This rings especially true to those daily sippers. You know you’re going to get a cup, plan ahead, there’s no excuse. Reduce and reuse, Momma Earth thanks you.

In honor of week of Earth Week, which is really every week, right?... Here’s another way to be mindful and stylin’; allow me to introduce: The Coffee Cuff.

'An elegant wooden bracelet that can slip off your wrist and onto your coffee cup. Fashion + function. Handmade from reclaimed architectural veneer offcuts.'

Translation: It's made from trees and will save some trees.

..I wish I had invented the hot beverage sleeve because it’s used practically everywhere.. Oops. Everywhere, everyday.. accumulated waste. Nevermind. I didn’t anyway..

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